
Passive Smokers Are At Higher Risk Of Breast Cancer

U.S. scientists have proven that passive smokers or secondhand smokers are at higher risk of breast cancer. Earlier, their research also led them to the conclusion that young women smokers are more likely to get addicted to smoking than young men.

Breast cancer is the number one cancer in women and the number of victims has increased very rapidly. This is the first time that passive smoking has been directly linked to this type of cancers. WHO links smoking with 25 Cancer: Some of them are: uterine, kidney, cervix, pancreas, head neck and more.

The negative effect of smoking does not stop here. For women, smoking increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. And to add fuel to the fire, chances for heart disease related to ten-fold if they take birth-control pills side by side.

In addition, smoking is also responsible for:

  • Bad breath and stained teeth
  • Risk of stomach ulcers and acid reflux
  • Charm on the face vanishes
  • Give a bad example for your children

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