Food helps us by providing many essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Your genetic composition can make you vulnerable to some types of cancer. The ways you eat play a major role in increasing or reducing the risk of cancer.
Phytochemicals are non-nutritional substances found in plants. They protect us against diseases when they are in our bodies. Isoflavones and Lycopene are phytochemicals. Isoflavones reduce breast cancer risk for premenopausal women, while lycopene reduce the risk of prostate cancer in middle aged men.
Soy is a great source of Isoflavones. Although isoflavones are weak estrogens, the hypothesis has been established that isoflavones exert antiestrogenik effects when placed in an environment with high estrogen and estrogenic effects when in a low estrogen environment.
Lycopenes are natural carotenoids that act as antioxidants. They also block the conversion of mutagen found in fried foods, meat and fish cooked in the form of heterocyclic amines. Lycopenes is a good inhibitor of cell proliferation and reduce oxidation of LDL-cholesterol thus reducing the risk of heart disease.
Lycopenes reduce the risk of breast, colon, lung, prostate and stomach, cancer. Both raw and cooked tomatoes have same amount of force against cancer. Lycopenes stimulate enzymes that block the carcinogenic damage to the cells.